
Human Rights For Women
Project | Remedy & Peace

Those who try to Take away Human Rights
will Eventually be sentenced to Lifetime Haunted Guilt
Title : Human Rights of Women in Afghanistan & Countries Beyond :
Past, Present & Future
Weekly Research & Research Presentation
주제 : 아프가니스탄 그리고 그 너머 국가들의 현 여성인권 실태 :
과거, 현재 & 미래
주간연구 & 연구발표
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
(A) In the Past
Problematic Tribal Customary Law
which has been Restricting the Rights of Women in Afghanistan and the Countries Beyond
Gender equality is a fundamental human rights that is needed for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. However, there are certain countries that still exist to be listed as nations to provide worst gender equality (i.e., Indonesia, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Yemen, Egypt, India, Saudi Arabia) including Afghanistan. Rights of women in Afghanistan has been limited in earnest beginning of the 1990s, a few years before the Taliban was founded, where Revolutionary Islam Power emerged to clear out other countries that were using the territory of Afghanistan for their breeding grounds.
Ever since, in Afghanistan, the rights of women have been constantly constrained through the "patriarchal authority" that has been deeply embedded in traditional communities, and constantly constrained through the existence of a weak centralized state with no voluntary common legal system, unable to implement the current 21st century programs and goals as to human rights of women in the face of "tribal feudalism". Afghanistan, similar to those countries beyond, due to the rivalry ethnic groups that had political ambitions to be the powerful among the ethnic groups, has been creating its respective tribal customary laws (hereinafter 'tribal laws') which have been regularly taken precedence over Islamic Laws and Constitutional Laws, especially in determining the rights of women, which led women to have little protection from the state (i.e., and again this is because the certain ethnic groups of people wanted to have their own laws to make themselves powerful than their rivalry ethnic groups). And these tribal laws were of no help in ameliorating and promoting the rights of women in Afghanistan. The tribal laws view marriages as contract between tribes; women are pawned into marriages and not allowed to divorce, total obedience to the husband, women are prevented from getting any education, and what is worse is that sexual violence has been carried out with impunity under these tribal laws. As such, due to this full-scale implementation of these limited tribal laws, women in Afghanistan have been living with tremendous burden of an agonized life, hidden under their veil ever since, until now.
(A) 과거
아프가니스탄과 그 너머 국가들의 여성의 권리를 제한하여
이슈가 되어왔던 부족 관습법
성평등은 평화와 번성 가득한 지속 가능한 세상을 위해 필요한 기본적인 인권이다. 그러나 아프가니스탄을 포함하여 인도네시아, 수단, 콩고민주공화국, 말리, 예멘, 이집트, 인도, 사우디아라비아 등과 같이 성평등이 제대로 잘 이루어지고 있지 않는 국가들이 이 세상에는 여전히 많이 존재하고 있다. 아프가니스탄 여성의 권리는 1990년데 초반 탈레반이 창설되기 몇 년 전부터 점차 본격적으로 제한되기 시작하였는데, 이는 아프가니스탄 지역을 힘의 번식지로 사용하고 있었던 다른 국가들을 제거하기 위해 혁명적인 이슬람 강국이 등장하면서 부터라고 볼 수 있다.
그 이래로 아프가니스탄은 전통 커뮤니티에 깊숙이 박혀 있는 "가부장적 권위"로 인하여, 그리고 현존하는 여성의 인권 증진을 위한 21세기 프로그램과 도약들을 이행하는 것을 거부하는나약한 중앙집권적 국가로 전락하며 존재하게 된 "부족의 봉건제도"로 인하여, 여성의 권리가 지속적으로 제약을 받아왔다. 그리고 다른 그 너머의 국가들과 비슷하게 아프가니스탄 역시, 다른 민족/인종 집단들 사이에서 권력자가 되려는 정치적 야망을 가진 민족/인종 집단 간의 경쟁으로 인해 이슬람 율법이나 헌법을 따르기 보다는 그들의 부족을 우선으로 내세울 수 있는 부족 관습법 (즉, 부족법)을 만들어 왔다. 이러한 부족법이 여성의 권리를 결정하는 중요한 역할을 하게 되면서 아프가니스탄의 여성들은 국가로부터 거의 보호를 받지 못하게 되었다 (그리고 이러한 부족법의 생성은 특정 민족/인종 집단들이 경쟁하는 민족/인종 집단들보다 자신의 집단을 더 강력하게 만들기 위해 만들어진 것임을 다시 한 번 언급한다). 부족법은 아프가니스탄 여성들의 권리를 증진시키는데 도움이 되지 않았다. 이 부족법에서는 결혼을 부족 간의 계약으로 간주하고 있으며, 여성은 혼인을 해야만 하는 것이고 이혼할 수 없으며, 남편에게 전적인 복종을 해야만 하며, 교육을 받지 못하며, 더 심각한 것은 성폭력이 여성들에게 자행된다 해도 부족법내에서는 가해자들이 처벌받지 않는다. 이렇게 아프가니스탄의 여성들은 제한된 부족법의 본격적인 이행 이래로 베일 아래 숨겨진 채 지금까지 힘든 삶의 짐을 지며 존재하고 있는 것이다.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
(B) In the Past
In Afghanistan, it is said that the ratio of women to men is six to four, which could mean that the full participation of the women of Afghanistan in many aspect of life will be crucial to the future and development of the nation. Thus, if there is no protection of the rights of women within Afghan law against unfair discrimination based on certain traits such as gender, it is a matter of course that it will damage the potential development of Afghanistan as a whole. However, although it is said that the rights of women have been seriously violated throughout the past two decades of conflict in Afghanistan, these violations counter the Islamic and Afghan law. Gender Equality which is to be one of the main elements of human rights, has been supported by the Islamic Law, which was first initiated for the purposes to attain justice, fairness, and dignity for all human beings, along with Afghan Constitutions; the Constitutions of the countries beyond; and a number of the international treaties.
Gender Equality expressed in Afghan Constitutions
(a) The Constitution of 1964
The Preamble of the 1964 Constitution states, among other reasons, that the Constitution was framed to, “achieve justice & equality” which is expressed as follows :
“The people of Afghanistan, without any discrimination or preference, have equal rights and obligations before the law.”
I currently asked one of my peers, an Afghan-American at UC Berkeley Law School, as to the deep real legal meaning of the word “people” in the 1964 Constitution. And she told me that the word “people”, back in the days, included women as well because after the establishment of the 1964 Constitution, there were a number of women in Afghanistan who began to participate, apply and work in civil service, legislative body and in various occupations, which was not common before that time.
However, when there exist human rights violations within a country that is against the Constitution, and the nation the government itself is not conducive to interpret and apply these rights to bring the perpetrators to justice, it means there needs to be a change within the Constitution itself.
(b) The Constitution of 1976
Thus, to be clear as to the Rights of Women within the Constitution, a few changes were made in 1976. And one of the crucial changes that were made will be as follows :
“All the people of Afghanistan, both women and men, without discrimination and privilege, have equal rights and obligations before the law”
(B) 과거
현재 아프가니스탄은 남녀의 비율이 대략 6대 4라고 하는데, 이는 아프가니스탄내 삶의 많은 면에서 아프가니스탄 여성들의 다양한 분야에서의 참여가 국가의 미래와 발전에 결정적인 역할을 할 수 있음을 의미한다. 따라서 아프가니스탄 법 내에서 성별과 같은 특정한 특성에 근거한 부당한 여성에 관한 차별에 관하여, 즉 이러한 부당한 차별과 관련된 여성의 권리를 보호하는 사항들이 존재하지 않는다면, 아프가니스탄 전체 국가 내의 잠재적인 발전에 피해를 줄 것은 당연지사이다. 지난 20년 동안 아프가니스탄 내전을 통해 여성의 권리는 심각한 침해를 받아왔긴 했지만 이러한 침해는 이슬람법과 아프가니스탄 법에는 어긋나는 행위로 기록되어 있다. 인권의 주 사항 중 하나인 성평등은 인간의 정의, 정당성, 그리고 존엄성 확보를 목적으로 처음 제정된 이슬람법에 의해 뒷받침되어 왔으며, 1964년 아프가니스탄 헌법들; 다른 너머 국가들의 헌법들, 그리고 다수의 국제 조약에 역시 뒷받침 되어 왔다.
. . 아프가니스탄 헌법들에 표현된 성평등 . .
(a) 아프가니스탄 1964헌법
1964년 헌법 전문에서는 헌법의 목적을, 여러 목적들 중에서도 특히, "정의와 평등을 달성하기 위하여" 만들어졌음을 아래와 같이 명시하고 있다 :
“아프가니스탄 국민은 차별이나 특혜 없이 법 앞에 평등한 권리와 의무가 있다.”
현재 저의 버클리 로스쿨의 아프가니스탄계 미국인 동기 중 한 분에게 아프가니스탄 1964 헌법에서 기록되어 있는 사항 내에서 "People (사람)"이라는 단어, 즉 그 단어안에 내제되어 있는 법적 의미에 대해 물어 봤었는데, 그녀는 1964년 당시에 성립된 아프가니스탄 헌법내에서의 "People (사람)"이라는 단어내에 남성 뿐만이 아니라 여성 역시 포함되어 있다고 언급하였으며, 그 이유로는 아프가니스탄 1964 헌법 성립 후 지난 과거와는 다르게 아프가니스탄내의 여성들이 인사행정, 입법 기관 및 다양한 직업에 참여하기 시작했다는 것에서 그 이유를 설명하고 있다.
하지만 헌법에 위배되는 인권 침해가 국가내에 존재하고 이러한 인권 침해의 존재에도 불구하고 국가가 정부가 이 특정 인간의 권리를 바르게 해석하지 않거나 헌법내에 적용시키지 않음으로서 가해자를 처벌하는데 도움이 되지 않는 행위를 보인다면 헌법 자체의 변화가 절실히 필요함을 의미한다.
(b) 아프가니스탄 1976헌법
그리하여 추후 아프가니스탄 헌법은 아프가니스탄 여성의 권리를 헌법 내에 더욱 명확하게 하기 위해 1976년에 다음과 같은 한 사항을 추가하게 되었다 :
"아프가니스탄의 모든 국민은 남녀를 불문하고 차별과 특권 없이 법 앞에 평등할 권리와 의무가 있다."
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
Because this week is a Korean Holiday our continued data research will be uploaded Next week
We Thank You for your Understanding & Always stay Safe and Peace Be Within You
추석 연휴로 인하여 다음 주에 주간 연구 남깁니다
안전하고 편안한 연휴 보내시길 다시 한 번 감사드립니다
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
(C) In the Past
Within the Islam world of law, the law provides equal rights of all citizens, regardless of gender, in the constitutional framework. Promoting gender equality in the Constitutions of Afghanistan and the countries beyond is a principle based on both fundamental human rights and the practices of the nations of Islamic world, which span through different continents, customs, political systems, and economic realities. Namely, Constitutions of many Islamic countries (Algeria, Egypt, Pakistan, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Yemen), other than Afghanistan, provide for Equal Rights of all its citizens as well.
. . Gender Equality expressed in Constitutions of Countries beyond . .
(a) Constitutional Provision of Algeria
“No discrimination shall prevail because of bind, race, sex, opinion . .
All citizens are equal before the law . .”
(b) Constitutional Provision of Egypt
“All citizens are equal before the law . . They have equal public rights and duties without
discrimination due to sex, ethnic origin, language, religion . . ”
(c) Constitutional Provision of Pakistan
“There shall be no discrimination on the basis of sex alone . .
All citizens are equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection of law . .”
(d) Constitutional Provision of Syria
“The citizens are equal before the law in their rights and duties . . The state insures the
principle of equal opportunities for every citizen . . ”
(e) Constitutional Provision of Tajikistan
“All persons are equal before the law and the courts . .
Men and women have equal rights . . "
(f) Constitutional Provision of Turkmenistan
“Men and women have equal civil rights . .
The violation of equal rights based on gender will entail legal liability . . ”
(g) Constitutional Provision of Uzbekistan
“Women and men have equal rights . . Regardless of differences in gender, race, nationality,
language, religion, belief, all citizens have the same rights and equal before the law . . ”
(h) Constitutional Provision of Yemen
“The citizens are equal in rights and duties . . The state shall guarantee equal opportunities
for all citizens and shall enact the necessary laws for the realization thereof . . ”
There are other Islamic countries such as Bangladesh, Lebanon, Tunisia, Turkey where the Constitution of each country provides for equal rights of its citizens, however, it was hard to locate the specific provisions of the Constitutions of these individual countries due to language barriers and difficult access. Yet, what is important at this point is to note that the Constitution of these respective Islamic countries, including Afghanistan, provide for Equal Rights for its citizens as well.
(C) 과거
이슬람 법은 일반적으로 헌법적 틀 안에서 성별에 관계없이 모든 국민들이 평등할 권리를 가질 수 있도록 규정하고 있다. 다시 말해서, 아프가니스탄 헌법과 이 세상에 존재하고 있는 다른 너머 이슬람 국가들의 헌법에서도 성평등을 증진하고 보호하는 것은 근본적인 인권과 여러 다른 대륙, 관습, 정치 체제, 및 경제적 현실에 걸쳐 있는 이슬람 세계내의 국가들의 관행에 기반한 원칙이라고 볼 수 있다는 것이다. 이 원칙을 근간으로 해서, 아프가니스탄을 제외한 많은 이슬람 국가들 (알제리, 이집트, 파키스탄, 시리아, 타지키스탄, 투르크메니스탄, 우즈베키스탄, 예멘)의 헌법들 역시 모든 국민의 평등권을 보장하고 있다.
. . 다른 너머 국가들의 헌법에 표현된 성평등 . .
(a) 알제리의 헌법 조항
“구속, 인종, 성별, 의견을 이유로 차별을 해서는 안 된다 . .
모든 시민은 그들의 법 앞에 평등하다 . . "
(b) 이집트의 헌법 조항
“모든 시민은 그들의 법 앞에 평등하다 . . 그들은 성별, 민족, 언어, 종교들로 인한
차별없이 평등한 공공 권리와 의무를 가질 권리가 있다 . . ”
(c) 파키스탄의 헌법 조항
“성별만을 이유로 차별을 두어서는 안 된다 . .
모든 시민은 그들의 법 앞에 평등하며 법의 평등한 보호를 받을 자격이 있다 . . ”
(d) 시리아의 헌법 조항
“국민들은 권리와 의무에 있어 법 앞에 평등하다 . .
국가는 시민들을 위한 평등한 기회의 원칙을 보장한다 . . "
(e) 타지키스탄의 헌법 조항
“모든 사람들은 그들의 법과 법원 앞에 평등하다. .
남성과 여성은 동등한 권리를 가지고 있다 . . "
(f) 투르크메니스탄의 헌법 조항
“남성과 여성은 동등한 시민권을 가지고 있다 . .
성별에 따른 평등권 침해는 법적 책임을 수반한다 . . "
(g) 우즈베키스탄의 헌법 조항
“우즈베키스탄의 모든 시민은 성별, 인종, 국적, 언어, 종교, 신념에 관계없이
그들의 법 앞에 평등하고 평등한 권리를 가진다 . . 여성과 남성은 동등한 권리를 가진다. . "
(h) 예멘의 헌법 조항
“국민들은 그들에게 주어진 권리와 의무에서 평등하다 . .
국가는 모든 국민에게 평등한 기회를 보장하고 그 실현에 필요한 법률을 제정 하여야 한다 . . "
방글라데시, 레바논, 튀니지, 터키 등의 이슬람 국가들 역시 그들 국가의 헌법에 국민들의 평등권을 규정하고 있는 것으로 확인되고 있지만 언어 장벽과 접근성 이슈로 인해 구체적인 조항들은 찾기가 어려웠다. 하지만 중요한 것은 아프가니스탄을 포함한 이들 각각의 이슬람 국가들의 헌법 내에도 역시 국민들이 평등해야 할 권리를 규정하고 있다는 것이다.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
(D) In the Past
. . International Treaties relevant to Gender Equality Afghanistan Ratified . .
Afghanistan has acceded a number of international treaties. It is said that the main reason Afghanistan ratified or acceded these international treaties is based on Quran, where the legal rights of women was embodied. Quran is the central religious principles of Islam that teaches man and woman are equal in the sight of God in Islam. Additionally, Quran provides Islam is faithful to any treaties (i.e., including international treaties) and contracts they enter into. Note that jurisprudence contrary to these principles is said to be the result of misapplication of the text of Quran resulting from cultural distortions or patriarchal bias. Afghanistan ratified several key international treaties relevant to torture, ill-treatment, refugees, slavery, disappearance, war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, terrorism, armed conflict, discrimination and gender equality. Yet, because the research we are currently focusing on is about gender equality, we aligned the international treaties as to gender equality Afghanistan has ratified for the purpose of this research, which are as follows:
“Convention of Equal Remuneration for Men and Women workers for Work of Equal Value
(i.e., equal remuneration for men and women
workers for work of equal value refers to rates of remuneration
established without discrimination based on sex)”
“Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
(i.e., the state parties condemn discrimination against women
in all its forms, agree to pursue by appropriate means without
delay a policy of eliminating discrimination against women)”
As this historically Afghanistan was on the side to provide for equal value and legal rights for women internationally as well.
(D) 과거
. . 아프가니스탄이 비준한 성평등과 관련된 국제 조약 . .
아프가니스탄은 여러 국제 조약에 가입해 왔다. 아프가니스탄이 이러한 여러 국제 조약에 비준하거나 가입할 수 있었던 주된 이유는 여성의 법적 권리가 구현된 쿠란에 근거한다고 한다. 이슬람의 중심에 서고 있는 종교적 원칙인 쿠란은 남성과 여성은 이슬람의 신 앞에서 평등하다고 가르친다고 한다. 또한 이슬람에 있어서 쿠란은 그 어떠한 조약 (즉, 국제 조약을 포함) 그리고 그들이 체결하는 그 어떠한 계약에 충실할 것을 규정짓고 있다. 그리고 이러한 성평등과 관련된 쿠란의 원칙에 반대되는 이슬람의 법학이 보이는 경우는 바로 문화적 왜곡이나 가부장적 편견으로 인한 쿠란 본문의 잘못된 이용의 결과라고 보고 있다. 아프가니스탄은 이렇듯 학대, 고문, 난민, 노예 제도, 실종, 전쟁 범죄, 인도에 반한 죄, 집단 학살, 테러, 무력 충돌, 차별 및 성평등과 관련된 여러 주요 국제 조약들을 비준해 왔다. 그러나 현재 초점을 맞추고 있는 연구는 성평등에 관한 이슈이기 때문에, 연구의 목적을 위하여 아프가니스탄이 비준한 성평등에 관한 국제 조약들만 다음과 같이 나열한다:
“동일가치 노동에 대한 남녀 근로자의 동일보수에 관한 조약
(즉, 동일가치 노동에 대한 남녀근로자의 동일보수라 함은 성별에 따른 차별없이 정해지는 보수액을 말한다)”
“여성에 대한 모든 형태의 차별 철폐에 관한 협약 (즉, 당사국은 여성에 대한 모든 형태의 차별을 규탄하고
여성에 대한 차별을 철폐하기 위한 정책을 적절한 수단을 통해 지체없이 추진하기로 합의한다)”
이렇듯 역사적으로 아프가니스탄은 여성에게 동등한 가치와 법적권리 부여를 위해 국제적으로도 노력해 왔다.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
. . War against Women
by Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) aka Taliban . .
Before we get into details as to how Taliban has been committing War against Women since the establishment of its First Government, we will briefly take a look at what certain means made it possible for Taliban to become Taliban. The very means the pre-Taliban used were simply “lies” and endemic “corruption”. Before Talban became Taliban, the situation in Afghanistan was a chaos due to the collapse of the government and the constant occurrence of different factions in different regions turning against each other creating one chaos after another. And during this chaos enters Taliban alluring people in various regions by telling them they will offer stability and security, end drug and human trafficking trades, end corruption, and allow women and girls to have an education and rights (i.e., these lies are being told against women and girls in Afghanistan until now, 2021). In addition, through bribery Taliban recruited local Afghanistan people and Pakistani refugees, and made positions for those who supported Taliban financially (i.e., corruption). And two years later, Taliban was established along with its hideous repressive measures that became one of the deadliest armed conflicts in world history.
(A) At Present
. . War against Women under the First Government Period (1996 – 2001) . .
Unlike its words Taliban falsely pledged at its pre-Taliban stage, that they will allow the women and girls of Afghanistan the opportunity to have education and rights (i.e., along with the false pledge that they will offer stability and security, end drug and human trafficking trades, end corruption), ever since the establishment of the First Government of Taliban in 1996, the harsh repression toward women and girls of Afghanistan by the Taliban has been a non-stop. The women are forced to wear the burga without exception in public because the Taliban regard the face of women as “corruption”. This is a very disturbing incomprehensible reason that shows how much Taliban itself is a deadly influence and threat to the world for this type of brainwashed and unethical notion is hard to change, which has been yielding similar ridiculous and unconscionable restrictions within Afghanistan until now, such as, women not allowed to work, women not allowed to be educated after the age of 8, women not allowed to engage in sports, women not allowed to appear in any type of media, women not allowed to be on the same transportation with men, women not allowed to be outside without accompanied by men, women and girls under the age of 16 allowed to be subject to forced marriage, etc.. And women and girls who violate these restrictions have been subject to indescribably hideous torture or/and execution. And this incessant grotesque crimes against humanity by Taliban continued till its removal in 2001.
. . 여성과의 전쟁
by 아프가니스탄 이슬람 에미리트 (IEA) 일명 탈레반 . .
탈레반이 그들의 첫 정부 수립 이후 어떻게 여성과의 전쟁을 벌여 왔는지 알아보기 이전에 탈레반이 탈레반이 될 수 있었던 특정 배경에 대해 간략히 살펴 보겠다. 먼저 탈레반이 정권을 잡기 위해 이용한 수단은 바로 "허언”과 자체내의 "부정부패"라고 본다. 탈레반이 탈레반이 되기 이전 당시 아프가니스탄은 정부의 붕괴 그리고 아프가니스탄 각 지역에서 생성된 파벌들과 그 파벌들 사이의 끊임없는 갈등으로 총체적인 난맥에 빠져 있었다. 탈레반은 이러한 혼란이 일어나는 사이에 아프가니스탄의 여러 지역들을 다니며 사람들에게 국가의 안정과 안보를, 마약과 인신매매 거래의 종식을, 부정부패의 종식을, 그리고 여성들의 교육 및 여성들의 권리를 허용할 것을 보장하겠다는 허언을 서슴지 않았다 (현 2021년 탈레반은 여전히 이러한 허언을 멈추지 않고 있다). 또한, 탈레반은 뇌물 (즉, 부정부패)를 통해 아프가니스탄 지역의 사람들과 파키스탄 난민들을 끌여드리고, 본인들을 경제적으로 지원하는 사람들에게는 직급까지 마련하였다. 그리고 이년 후, 탈레반은 끔찍한 탄압 조치를 가진 세계 역사상 가장 치명적인 무력 충돌국으로 전락하게 된다.
(A) 현재
. . 탈레반 정부 기간 동안의 여성과의 전쟁 (1996 – 2001) . .
탈레반은 이렇듯 탈레반 정부가 생기기 이전 단계에서 여성들에게 교욱과 권리를 보장하겠다는 그들의 언행과는 달리, 1996년 탈레반의 첫 정부가 수립된 이래로 지금까지 탈레반의 아프가니스탄 여성들을 향한 가혹한 탄압을 멈추지 않고 있다. 탈레반은 여성의 얼굴 자체를 "부패"로 간주하고 있다. 그렇기에 아프가니스탄의 여성들은 공개석상에서는 예외 없이 부르카를 착용해야 한다. 이러한 터무니 없는 탈레반 자체내의 관념과 그에 따른 비인간적인 규율 (즉, 여성들의 직장 금지, 여성들의 나이 8세 이후 교육 금지, 여성들의 운동 금지, 여성들의 매체출연 금지, 여성들의 남성과 같은 교통수단 이용 금지, 여성들의 남성 동행없이 바깥 외출 금지 그리고 16세 미만 여성들의 강제 결혼 허용 등)과 같은 탈레반의 만행은 심각한 정도를 벗어나 아프가니스탄 여성들을 향한 치명적인 위협이 되어 왔다. 그리고 이러한 제한적인 규율들을 위반하는 여성들은 형언할 수 없을 정도로 끔찍한 고문 또는 처형을 당해왔다. 탈레반의 이와 같은 끊임없는 반인륜적 범죄는 2001년 탈레반 정권이 붕괴될 때까지 멈추지 않았다.
지금 다루고 있는 이 이슈는 아주 중요하고 심각한 아프간 여성들의 인권을 생각하며 쓰고 있는 글 입니다 . .
단어와 구문 하나가 아닌 여성들의 인권에 깊은 관심을 가지고 읽어주시길 부탁드릴게요 감사드립니다 . .
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
Because it is midterm for two weeks beginning Next week at KU Law School
Please note the next data research will be uploaded in the very first week of November
We Thank You for your Understanding & Always stay Safe and Peace Be Within You
Cheers To the students and juniors
다음 주 부터 고려대학교 법학과의 중간고사 기간이 두 주간 이어질 것이기에
11월 첫 주에 주간 연구 남깁니다
이점 이해해 주셔서 감사드리구요 그 날까지 행복 따뜻하고 편안 안전히 보내세요 감사드립니다
학생분들 후배분들 중간고사 응원 전하며 화이팅
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
(B) At Present
. . War against Women under the Insurgency Period (2001 – 2021) . .
Before we get into details as to how Taliban has been committing War against Women in its region during its insurgency period, we will briefly take a look at what Taliban Insurgency is. Taliban Insurgency began after Taliban has fell from power during the 2001 war in Afghanistan. The 2001 war in Afghanistan was started by the United States (hereinafter “U.S.”) in response to the deadly 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks. This war and conflict in Afghanistan spanned two decades and is said to be the longest war in U.S. history. During these times, after the U.S.-led coalition entered Kabul which led the Taliban to flee Kabul in November 2001, a new government was established in Afghanistan in December 2004. Yet regardless of its establishment, Taliban attacks continued until this very time when the U.S. troops left Afghanistan in August 2021 this year based on the peace talk between the U.S. and Taliban which was held in February 2020 last year. The U.S. and Taliban peace talk unfortunately did not stop the hideous attack by the Taliban because its target switched from U.S. troops to Afghan security forces and civilians to achieve its deadly ambition to dominate and control Afghanistan, and the world, as it did exactly during their preposterous First Government Period (please see (A) At Present above). After the U.S.-led coalition ousted the Taliban from Kabul, Afghanistan faces an increasingly violent insurgency. Taliban and other anti-government forces expanded their insurgency in the predominantly Pashtun areas, and continued to fight with the government forces of Afghanistan. And during this insurgency period, women continued to face severe gender-based discrimination and violence. Conditions were better than under the Taliban, yet because of the traumatic affect that Taliban has left, women continued to face disproportionate threats and violence (i.e., domestic violence, sexual violence, psychological abuse and forced marriage), especially women who are active in public life as political candidates, journalists, teachers, NGO workers, etc.. And unfortunately, the Taliban itself did not give in threatening women in Afghanistan despite its ouster. Ever since 2009 and until 2021, the end of the insurgency period, the Taliban and other insurgent groups in earnest have been attacking schools killing hundreds of school girls, looting the offices of women activists (i.e., issued threats that compelled many women activists to flee the city), torturing and killing hundreds of women. However, regretfully violence against women continue to remain chronically under-reported, with many women fearing reprisals and lacking confidence in the authorities because few perpetrators were brought to justice, until now.
. . War against Women under the Resurgent Period (2021 – Present) . .
The Resurgent period of Taliban is a period which is directly connected from the Insurgency Period. Before we get into details as to how Taliban is still currently committing War against Women in its region during the recent resurgent period, we will briefly take a look at what Taliban Resurgent is. The Taliban and the U.S. began negotiating in 2018, where the discussion was mainly focused on the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. The U.S. and Taliban deal was struck in February 2020. While Taliban agreed to prevent al-Qaueda and ISIS from governing Afghanistan, the U.S. agreed to gradually phase out its troop presence in Afghanistan (i.e., the U.S. completed its withdrawal of its troop in September this year). Taliban later, emboldened by the U.S. withdrawal, captured nearly every region in Afghanistan, including Kabul. And, have the Taliban change its way to govern its regime pliantly different from the violent way they governed in the past. Regretfully No. Taliban, where they are currently in a place ruling Afghanistan, had let only boys and male teachers back to school classrooms. When the Taliban seized its infamous power in Afghanistan this year, its leaders announced they will respect the very rights of women. Yet, ever since the perfidious announcement by Taliban, every day in Afghanistan brings further evidence that the rules instructed by the Taliban to the officials are filled with discriminatory and abusive gender policies against women, implementing a retrogressive commination (i.e., prohibit women to be at work prohibit girls to be at school). And, regretfully, the brave women who are currently protesting against Taliban and the brave journalists who are covering the protests are constantly attacked, detained, threatened, harassed by the inhuman ruthless Taliban. Taliban, unless they change, its futile ambition will grow, yet the self-worshipped acts they show will never win the uncovered fear inside them that even the dark faith itself knows the end of Taliban will be a frightful The End where no human has ever been and seen, which will begin to unfold by the very Taliban within Taliban.
(B) 현재
. . 탈레반 반란 기간 동안의 여성과의 전쟁 (2001 – 2021) . .
탈레반이 반란 기간 동안 어떻게 여성과의 전쟁을 벌여 왔는지 알아보기 이전에 탈레반의 반란 기간의 배경에 대해 간략히 살펴 보겠다. 탈레반의 반란은 2001년 아프가니스탄 전쟁에서 탈레반이 정권을 잃은 후 시작된 반란이다. 2001년 아프가니스탄 전쟁은 2001년 9월 11일 미국에서 발생한 치명적인 테러 공격에 대응하여 미국에 의해 시작된 전쟁이다. 이 전쟁은 20년에 걸쳐 지속되었으며 미국 역사상 가장 긴 전쟁으로 알려져 있다. 탈레반의 반란 기간 동안에는, 미국주도 유지연합에 의해 2001년 11월 탈레반이 카불을 탈출한 후 2004년 12월 아프가니스탄에 새 정부가 수립되었다. 하지만 탈레반의 반란은 새 정부의 수립과 무관하게 지난해 2020년 2월 열린 미국-탈레반 평화협상을 바탕으로 이루어진 2021년 8월 미군의 아프가니스탄 철수 및 탈레반의 재집권 그리고 현 2021년 11월까지 계속되고 있다. 이렇듯 작년에 이루어진 미국-탈레반 평화 회담은 안타깝게도 탈레반의 계속적인 폭력을 막지 못했다. 탈레반의 표적이 미군에서 이제는 아프간 보안군과 민간인으로 바뀌었기 때문이다. 이는 탈레반의 터무니없는 첫 번째 정부 기간 동안 가지고 있었던 야망, 바로 아프가니스탄 그리고 이 세계를 지배하고 통제 하려는 치명적인 그 야망의 달성을 다시 이루기 위해서이다. 미국주도 유지연합이 카불에서 탈레반을 축출한 후 아프가니스탄은 점점 더 폭력적인 반군들을 직면하게 되었다. 탈레반과 다른 반정부 세력은 아프가니스탄의 파슈툰 지역에서 그들의 세력을 크게 확대해 나가면서, 계속해서 아프가니스탄 정부군과 싸워나갔다. 이 반란의 기간 동안 여성들은 안타깝게도 계속해서 심각한 성차별과 폭력을 직면하였다. 여건은 탈레반 집권 시기 때 보다는 나았지만 탈레반이 남긴 깊은 트라우마 때문에 여성들은 이 반란 기간 동안에도 역시 계속해서 위협과 폭력 (가정폭력, 성폭력, 심리적 학대 그리고 강제결혼 등)에 시달려야 했으며, 특히 정치 후보자, 기자, 교사, NGO 활동 여성들은 그 위협과 폭력의 정도가 더욱더 심각하였다. 그리고 더 심각한 것은 탈레반이 카불에서 축출이 되었음에도 불구하고 탈레반의 아프가니스탄 여성들을 향한 위협과 폭력이 끝나지 않았다는 것이다. 2009년부터 반란 기간이 끝난 2021년 현재까지 탈레반과 다른 반군 단체들은 학교를 파괴하고 여성 활동가들의 사무실을 약탈하고 여성 활동가들이 도시를 떠나도록 위협 하면서 수백 명의 여성들을 고문하고 살해해 왔다. 그러나 많은 여성들이 탈레반에 대한 보복을 두려워하고 지금까지 매우 적은 수의 가해자들이 형사재판을 받아 왔기 때문에 당국에 대한 신뢰가 부족하게 됨으로 인해서 유감스럽게도 이러한 탈레반이 행한 아프가니스탄 여성들에 대한 폭력은 제대로 보고가 되지 않아 왔다.
. . 탈레반 재집권 기간 동안의 여성과의 전쟁 (2021 – 현재) . .
탈레반의 재집권 기간은 반란 기간과 바로 직결되는 시기이다. 탈레반이 현 재집권 기간 동안 어떻게 여성과의 전쟁을 벌이고 있는지 알아보기 이전에 탈레반의 재집권 기간의 배경에 대해 간략히 살펴 보겠다. 탈레반과 미국은 2018년부터 회담을 시작하였으며, 회담의 주 내용은 아프가니스탄에서의 미군 철수였다. 회담은 2020년 2월에 체결되었다. 이 회담에서 탈레반은 알카에다와 ISIS가 아프가니스탄을 통치하는 것을 방지하는 것에 동의한 반면, 미국은 아프가니스탄에서 점진적으로 미군을 철수하기로 동의하였다 (미국은 이번 해 9월에 군대 철수를 완료했다). 이후 미군의 철수로 대담해진 탈레반은 카불을 포함한 아프가니스탄의 많은 지역들을 점령하였다. 과연 현 탈레반이 이제는 과거의 탈레반 정부기간 동안의 과격한 통치 방식과는 조금은 다른 부드러운 방식으로 통치를 할 수 있도록 변화를 보여주고 있을까. 안타깝게도 전혀 보여지고 있지않다. 현재 아프가니스탄을 통치하고 있는 탈레반은 남학생과 남자 교사들만이 학교 교실로 돌아갈 수 있도록 했다. 탈레반이 이번 해 아프가니스탄에서 악명 높은 권력을 재장악했을 때, 탈레반 지도자들은 여성의 권리를 존중할 것이라고 발언했다. 그러나 탈레반의 이러한 불신 발언 이후, 아프가니스탄에서는 탈레반이 관리들에게 지시하는 정책들이 여성에 대한 차별적이고 학대적인 젠더 정책으로 가득 차 있다는 증거가 여성의 취업 및 학교 등교를 금지시킴으로 인해 확실해지면서 여성에 대한 탈레반의 퇴행적 위협은 다시 시작되었다고 볼 수 있다. 그리고 안타깝게도 현재 아프가니스탄에서는 탈레반의 이러한 극악무도한 행실에 반대하고 있는 용감한 여성들과 그 시위를 취재하고 있는 용감한 기자들이 비인간적이고 무자비한 탈레반의 폭력, 구금, 위협, 괴롭힘으로 인해 심각하게 고통을 받고 있다. 탈레반, 그들이 변하지 않는 한, 그들의 헛된 야망은 이렇게 계속 커질 것이라는 것, 하지만 탈레반이 현재 보여주고 있는 본인 숭배 행위는 악한 어두운 운명조차도 알고 있듯이 겉으로 드러나지 않은 탈레반이 겪고 있는 내적인 두려움으로 인해 그 어떠한 인간이 경험하지도 보지도 않았던 무서운 최후의 심판을 받으며 탈레반은 가장 끔찍한 고통내에서 사라지게 될 것이며, 그 최후의 첫 페이지는 바로 다름 아닌 탈레반내 있는 탈레반에 의해 장식 될 것이다.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
(A) In the Future
. . From Its Current Taliban Diplomatic Activity Bridged To Its Unpredictable Daunted Future . .
Ever since the Taliban seized its power in Afghanistan this year, the international community has strongly criticized the Taliban for not fulfilling its pledges to respect the rights of women, and for not including enough members from other ethnic groups in its Cabinet as well. And during these incessant controversies, the Taliban still has a lot to complain and ask for. Let’s see what these complaints and demands are based on the current activities the Taliban has engaged with other countries.
In the talks between the United States (hereinafter “U.S.”) and the Taliban, the Taliban announced to have good positive relations with the U.S. on an equal basis, it is necessary for the U.S. to unfreeze Afghan financial assets to alleviate the difficult circumstances Afghanistan is currently facing. To this, U.S. made it clear whether the assets be unfreezed depends on whether the Taliban live up to its commitments to protect the rights of women to work & allow the girls to receive education, form an inclusive government along with other controversial issues --> No clear response about the rights of women by the Taliban.
In the talks between the European Union (hereinafter “EU”) and the Taliban, the EU announced it would provide financial assistance to aid for Afghanistan to prevent the people of Afghanistan from falling into chaos and suffer, while Taliban announced, in exchange, it will be committed to protect the foreign diplomats and the humanitarian aid organizations in Afghanistan. Will see about that --> No clear response about the rights of women by the Taliban.
In the talks between Pakistan and the Taliban, Pakistan, though it was a country that has historically been very supportive of the Taliban and played an important role in clearing the way for the U.S. -Taliban deal in 2020 as well, is said to be heading to a different direction by trying to put the Taliban regime under its control requiring the Taliban to accept the law and constitution of Pakistan. And of course the response of Taliban to that is a No. However, it could be a matter of time for the Taliban to reject Pakistan because the current frequent closure of trade routes along the Afghan-Pakistan border is causing a lot of problems to the Taliban because Pakistan is the main market for the agriculture items of Afghanistan, and without the market, the agriculture system in Afghanistan could be at risk --> Unfortunately the rights of women issue was not mentioned during the process.
In the talks between Turkey and the Taliban, Turkey, with similar reasons as EU, announced that the Afghan economy should not collapse, thus the countries that froze the accounts of Afghanistan should act flexibly --> Unfortunately the rights of women issue was not mentioned during the process.
In the talks between China and the Taliban, China wants to invest billions of dollars to copper mines in Afghanistan as long as the Taliban could guarantee security for their workers and their assets. Nowadays, considering the relationship between the U.S. and China is hostile, China has expressed joy and expectation that the resurgent period will enable the Taliban to follow foreign policies, combat terrorist forces, and live in harmony with other countries and the international community, while the Taliban ensured the security of the workers from China and its national asset, adding that China is their main partner and it looks up to China for their constant support and aid. Note that similar scenes between China and North Korea has been repeated ever since the end of Korean war --> Unfortunately the rights of women issue was not mentioned during the process.
In the presumed talks between Russia and the Taliban, even though currently Russia has lost economic influence in Central Asia mainly to China, it is possible to presume that Russia could find a party with a similar cause in China and coordinate their approach to the new regime by seeking to contain the rulers of Taliban --> Unfortunately the rights of women issue is unlikely to be mentioned during the presumed process.
(A) 미래
. . 예측가능하지 않은 막막한 미래로 연결되는 현 탈레반의 외교활동 . .
이번 해 탈레반이 아프가니스탄을 재집권한 이후, 국제사회는 탈레반이 여성의 권리를 존중하겠다는 발언을 지키지 않고, 또 내각에 다른 민족 그룹의 구성원을 충분히 포함시키지 않은 것에 대해 강력하게 비판했다. 그리고 이렇게 끊임없이 이어져 가는 논쟁 안에서도 탈레반은 여전히 불만과 요구가 많다. 탈레반이 현재 이어가고 있는 다른 국가들과의 활동을 기반으로 하여 탈레반의 불만과 요구가 무엇인지 살펴 보겠다.
탈레반은 미국과 탈레반 간의 회담에서 양국 간의 긍정적인 관계를 유지하기 위해서는 아프가니스탄이 현재 직면하고 있는 어려운 정세를 완화시키기 위해 미국이 아프가니스탄의 금융 자산을 동결 해제하는 것이 필요하다고 선언했다. 이에 대해 미국은 금융 자산의 동결 해제 여부는 탈레반이 아프가니스탄 여성들이 일을 할 수 있는 권리와 교육을 받을 수 있는 권리를 보장하고 포용적인 정부를 구성하겠다는 그리고 그 밖의 본인들의 발언들을 제대로 이행하는지의 여부에 달려 있다는 점을 분명히 했다 --> 탈레반은 아프가니스탄 여성 권리의 보장에 대해 미국에게 명확한 반응을 보이지 않았다.
유럽연합의 경우 이번 탈레반과의 회담에서는 유럽연합이 아프가니스탄 국민이 혼란에 빠지지 않도록 아프가니스탄에게 재정적인 지원을 해 줄 것이며, 그 대가로 탈레반은 외국 외교관 및 인도적 지원 단체들을 보호하기로 하였다. 하지만 과연 탈레반이 이들을 보호할 것인지는 두고봐야 할 일이다 --> 탈레반은 아프가니스탄 여성 권리의 보장에 대해 유럽연합에게 명확한 반응을 보이지 않았다.
파키스탄과 탈레반의 회담에서 파키스탄은, 비록 지금까지는 역사적인 관점에서 탈레반과의 관계를 살펴보면 탈레반에게 많은 지지를 보내 왔으며 2020 년에도 미국과 탈레반의 평화협상의 길을 여는데 중요한 역할을 한 국가였다. 그러나 앞으로의 파키스탄의 행보는 지금까지와는 달리 탈레반에게 파키스탄의 법과 헌법을 받아들일 것을 요구하며 탈레반 정권을 그들의 통제하에 두려하는 다른 방향으로 나아갈 것으로 보인다. 그리고 물론 이에 대해 탈레반은 부정적인 반응을 보이고 있다. 그러나 탈레반이 파키스탄을 향해 부정적인 시선을 보내는 것은 시간 문제일 수 있다고도 본다. 왜냐하면, 탈레반에게 있어 파키스탄은 아프가니스탄 농산물의 주요 시장이며, 현재 아프가니스탄 – 파키스탄 국경에 있는 교역로가 파키스탄에 의해 자주 폐쇄됨으로 인해서 아프가니스탄의 농업 시스템이 지금보다 더한 위험에 처할 수 있기 때문이다 --> 여성의 권리에 대한 주제 자체가 아프가니스탄 – 파키스탄 회담에서는 언급되지 않았다.
터키와 탈레반의 회담에서 터키는 유럽연합과 비슷한 이유로 아프가니스탄 경제가 붕괴되어서는 안 되기에 아프가니스탄의 금융 자산을 동결 해제하는 것이 필요하다고 선언했다 --> 여성의 권리에 대한 주제 자체가 아프가니스탄 – 터키 회담에서는 언급되지 않았다.
중국과 탈레반 간의 회담에서 중국은 탈레반이 중국인 노동자들과 아프가니스탄내 중국 자산의 안전을 보장해 준다면, 중국은 아프가니스탄의 구리 광산업에 수십억 달러를 투자할 것임을 밝혔다. 현재 중국의 경우에는 탈레반의 아프가니스탄 재집권에 긍정적인 반응을 보이고 있으며 (이는 중국이 현재 미국과 적대적인 관계임을 고려해 볼 때 당연한 반응이라고 본다), 탈레반이 앞으로의 외교 정책들에 순응하고 테러리스트 세력들에 저항하며 다른 국가들 그리고 국제 사회와 조화롭게 살 수 있기를 바란다고 표명했다 (과연 탈레반이 이러한 순응적인 정책을 따를지는 의문이다). 탈레반은 이에, 중국이 그들의 주요 파트너로서, 중국인 노동자들과 아프가니스탄내 중국 자산의 안전을 당연시 보장할 것이며, 중국의 지속적인 지원에 대한 존경의 표시까지 덧붙였다. 이러한 중국과 탈레반과의 관계는 한국전쟁 이후 반복된 중국과 북한과의 관계와 유사하다고 본다 --> 여성의 권리에 대한 주제 자체가 아프가니스탄 – 중국 회담에서는 언급되지 않았다.
러시아와 탈레반의 추측회담에서는 현재 러시아가 중국으로 인해 중앙아시아에서 경제적 영향력을 잃긴 하였지만, 중국에서 동일 명분을 가진 정당을 찾아 탈레반의 통치자들을 끌어들이기 위한 새로운 체제에 대한 접근을 조율할 가능성은 있어 보인다 --> 여성의 권리에 대한 주제 자체가 아프가니스탄 – 러시아 회담에서는 언급되지 않을 것으로 추측된다.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
(B) In the Future
. . The Realistic Plan to Gradually Halt the War against Women by Taliban
& Its Predictable Destiny in the Future . .
First of all as for right now, the Taliban is definitely not a trustworthy group. To give out aid and initiate a formal diplomatic ties with the Taliban at this very time could be risky for it could be the case where the Taliban itself will defraud the people of Afghanistan of the aid and will mainly focus on strengthening its new regime. Within the international community, there are countries still trying to retain any influence in Afghanistan, however, every act of those by the countries are for national and personal gain, not to aid the people in Afghanistan, which again could be mainly strengthening the Taliban regime, letting the people of Afghanistan down with less actual remedy for them. Indescribably griefful. The talks with the Taliban by the international community until now is just the means for Taliban to get cash and aid for themselves because they are broke and they need cash assets to regain their infamous regime as they did in its First Government (i.e., this is quite similar to the case of North Korea). And we presume that there is little possibility that the aid given will be conveyed to the people of Afghanistan. At first, it could be presumed that the Taliban could pretend they are sharing the aid with the people and pretend they are reducing their violent behavior against the people of Afghanistan, both men and women, just to receive enough aid and cash to rebuild its regime, however, as the aid and cash increase, and their power grows, it will be a matter of time for the Taliban to entirely reveal their hideous side and challenge the world through terrorism again. Let’s not forget when the Taliban seized its infamous power in Afghanistan this year, its leaders announced that they will respect the very rights of women. Yet, they did not. Would there be a time for Taliban to even take the human rights issue seriously. Thus, before granting any international recognition and any economic aid to the Taliban, the realistic and idealistic way to approach Taliban should be when the Taliban acts rationally first (when they let the women be at work and girls to receive education as they deserve), and then the aid should be conveyed in a timely manner.
Again, Taliban, its futile ambition will grow yet the self-worshipped acts they show will never win the uncovered fear inside them that even the dark faith itself knows that the end of Taliban will be a frightful The End where no human has ever seen, which will begin to unfold by the very Taliban within Taliban.
Deeply Pray for a Drastic Change of Heart by the Taliban . .
Bless Every Person in Afghanistan Region and Near & . .
Every Person who are currently struggling with violence and terrorism . .
Let Them Be Redeemed from the incessant agonized darkness and See The Light Soon . .
Thank You for your interest until now as to our research . .
"Human Rights of Women in Afghanistan & Countries Beyond : Past, Present & Future” . .
Currently we are in the process of contacting one of the . .
Brave Woman Rights Activisits of Afghan to hold a Podcast in the near future again Thank You . .
(B) 미래
. . 탈레반의 여성과의 전쟁을 점차적으로 막기 위한 현실가능한 계획
그리고 탈레반의 예측 가능한 운명의 미래 . .
현재로서 탈레반은 믿음이 가는 집단이 아닌 것만은 확실하다. 이 시점에서 탈레반과 외교 관계를 맺고 원조를 하는 것은 매우 위험할 수 있다. 그 이유는 탈레반은 받은 원조를 아프가니스탄 국민을 위하는 것이 아닌 본인들의 새로운 체제를 강화하는 데에만 초점을 맞출 것이기 때문이다. 여전히 아프가니스탄내 영향력을 유지하려는 국가들이 있지만, 이들의 이러한 행위는 대부분 자국의 이익을 위한 것, 아프가니스탄 사람들을 돕기 위한 행위가 아니다. 그렇기 때문에 이 시점에서 국제 사회가 탈레반과 외교 관계를 맺고 원조를 하는 것은 탈레반의 정권을 더 강하게 만들 뿐 아프가니스탄 사람들에게는 계속적으로 더 많은 실망과 고통을 줄 것이라고 생각한다. 안타깝다. 지금까지 탈레반의 국제 사회와의 대화는 탈레반이 현재 재정적인 지원이 절실히 필요하기에 탈레반의 첫 번째 정부기간 동안에도 시도 했던 악명 높은 정권을 되찾기 위한 현금과 구호를 얻는 수단에 불과할 뿐이다 (이는 북한의 경우와 아주 흡사하다 볼 수 있다). 그리고 이러한 원조가 아프가니스탄 사람들에게 직접 전달될 가능성은 아주 낮다고 본다. 탈레반은 그들의 재건에 필요한 충분한 재정적인 지원과 구호를 받기 위해 받은 원조들을 아프가니스탄 사람들과 나누는 척 하고 아프가니스탄 사람들에게 폭력적인 행동을 줄이는 척 할 가능성이 있다고 보는 것이다. 그러나 이러한 지원들이 점점 증가함으로서 그들의 권력이 다시 점점 커지면서 탈레반은 그들의 악한 본성을 다시 전면 드러내게 될 것이고 더 강한 테러리즘을 통해 세계를 향해 도전장을 내밀 것이다. 탈레반이 이번 해 아프가니스탄에서 악명 높은 권력을 재장악했을 때, 탈레반 지도자들은 여성의 권리를 존중할 것이라고 발언했음을 잊지 않았으면 한다. 그리고 그러한 불신 발언 이후 탈레반이 아프가니스탄 여성의 권리를 존중해 주지 않았다는 것 역시 잊지 않았으면 한다. 과연, 탈레반이 여성 인권 이슈를 진지하게 받아들일 때가 있을까. 지금 국제 사회는 탈레반에 대한 국제적인 인정과 경제적인 지원을 서둘러 시행하는 것 보다는, 탈레반이 먼저 합리적인 행동을 보일 때 (여성들이 직장에 나갈 수 있고 교육을 받을 수 있도록 해 줄때), 바로 그 때 탈레반에게 필요한 국제적인 인정과 경제적인 지원을 시행하는 것이 가장 현실적이고 이상적인 방법이라고 본다.
다시 한 번 탈레반, 그들의 헛된 야망은 계속 커질 것이라는 것, 하지만 탈레반의 현 본인 숭배 행위는 악한 어두운 운명 조차도 알고 있듯 탈레반이 겪고 있는 보이지 않는 내적인 두려움으로 인해 탈레반은 무서운 최후의 심판을 받으며 가장 끔찍한 고통내에서 사라질 것이며, 그 최후의 첫 페이지는 바로 다름 아닌 탈레반내 있는 탈레반에 의해 장식 될 것이다.
탈레반내 급진적인 선한 마음들의 변화가 있기를 . .
그리고 아프가니스탄에 계신 분들 & 현재 폭력과 테러로 인해 . .
너무나도 힘들어 하고 계신 한 분 한 분 . .
하루빨리 그 어둠의 고통에서 구원될 수 있기를 . .
지금까지 “ 아프가니스탄 그리고 그 너머 국가들의 현 여성인권 실태 : 과거, 현재 & 미래 “ 의 . .
연구 기록들과 함께 해주신 분들께 감사드립니다 . .
현재 아프가니스탄에 계신 용기있는 아프가니스탄 여성 인권 활동가 분들 중 한 분과 . .
팟캐스트를 시도해 보기 위해 노력하고 있어요 다시 한번 지금까지 함께해 주셔서 감사드립니다 . .


Human Rights For Women
Project | Defend & Reform

Title : National Sex Trafficking Law in Comparative Perspective :
Unique Road to Establish
Realistic Practical International Sex Trafficking Law
Weekly Research
주제 : 국내 성매매법들의 비교법적 관점
및 현실적인 실용적인 국제
성매매법 제정의 유일한 길
Those who try to Take away Human Rights
will Eventually be sentenced to Lifetime Haunted Guilt
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
This article considers current laws and policies against sex trafficking from a comparative perspective. The strategic laws and policies have been playing an important role in securing legal protections for the victims of sex trafficking in the face of resistance from both online and offline sex predators. Yet, along the way, there is a dearth of insight as to the role of the laws and policies along with the role of law enforcement and the government in preventing sex trafficking. In this article, analysis of the discourse – protection of victims, especially children and adolescents; investigation method on sex trafficking; degree of punishment of the perpetrators; and prevention enhancement of sex trafficking – will suggest how legal amendments against sex trafficking could play an important role to reduce the rate of sex trafficking both nationally and internationally. Further, the analysis is made to eventually have effect on further detailed realistic effective universal international sex trafficking laws that could be availed and referenced in each and every country too. The article will continue to conclude by underscoring the need of additional amelioration of the current sex trafficking laws and policies within nations, and the need of creation of effective international sex trafficking laws within the international community as well.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
먼저 고려대학교 법학과로스쿨 신입생분들께 첫학기의 시작 응원전해드립니다 그리고
저희 국제법연구센터 여성인권분과는 다음 2022년 2학기에 새 연구원 한 분을 채용하려 해요
문의해 주신 분들께 감사의 말씀 전하며 늦은 답변 죄송하단 말씀 역시 전해요
그럼 남은 한 학기 동안 몸과 마음 행복 따뜻하고 편안 안전히 보내시길 바라며 다시 한 번 감사드립니다
First Cheers to the first semester to the Freshmen at Korea University Law School
And The ILRC Women Human Rights Division will Hire New researcher in the 2nd semester 2022
We Express Deep Gratitude to Those who Inquired & Apologize for the late response and
We Thank You for your Understanding Again Thank you Always stay Safe & Peace Be Within You
The crime of sex trafficking is one of the horrendous crimes in this world that occurs when a perpetrator uses force, fraud or coercion to cause a commercial sex act with an adult or causes children/adolescents to commit a commercial sex act. The crime of sex trafficking itself is one of the worst forms of human rights violations, which is linked to other crimes such as drug abuse, assault, battery, detention, and murder. In this world, there are too many individuals who are vulnerable to sex trafficking, despite the fact that the international community in general has regarded sex trafficking as a serious issue for quite a period of time emphasizing the importance of addressing this issue. And one of the vulnerable individuals who are frequently being the target of sex trafficking are children/adolescents, especially the runaways. Nowadays, unfortunately, there had been a distinctive trend of inflow of children and adolescents to sex trafficking scenes, which is being exacerbated due to domestic and international migration along with various illegal online chat applications via internet and smart phones. However, despite a growing body of evidence which outlines the self-reported daily violence experienced by the victims of sex trafficking, governments in many countries have resisted calls to adopt anti-sex trafficking legislation on the grounds of legal, political and risky reasons, concentrating instead on self-regulation and education. The number of cases of sex trafficking, however, will never stop increasing until an actual and realistic forthright cooperation with the government and legal authorities, along with the adoption of amendments are realistically made, which is indispensably an important and necessary first step to fulfill the phrase end to sex trafficking which is incessantly used both offline and online. Tactical and prudent laws and policies play an important role in securing legal protections for the victims of sex trafficking in the face of resistance from both online and offline predators. And because for a similar purpose, within the international scope, international organizations have endeavored to establish relevant international treaties, which does have specific provisions of prohibition of sex trafficking against children/adolescents for the purpose to tackle the weighty issue. However, the current existing international treaties are not sufficient enough to resolve one of the horrendous crimes man has ever created, sex trafficking against children/adolescents.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
A. Limitation of International Treaties
There are several international treaties that are relevant to sex trafficking of children/adolescents, such as, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (hereinafter “CRC”) (1989) and the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention (Convention No. 182 of 1999). Article 39 of the CRC requires states to “take all appropriate measures to promote physical and psychological recovery of a child victim of any form of neglect, exploitation, or abuse,” and under Article 24, the convention recognizes the right “to facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation of health”. The Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention is a Convention that prohibits perpetrators from using children under 18 for all forms of slavery, trafficking, debt bondage, forced or compulsory labour and prostitution, and requires states to prevent the engagement of children in the worst forms of child labour, take effective and timely measures to provide for the rehabilitation of former victims of the worst forms of child labour, including trafficking, as well as to ensure their access to basic and vocational education. As this, international treaties related to prevent sex trafficking of children have been referred and been in existence for quite a while. However, despite their existence, a number of vulnerable victims, who are generally from extremely poor households, dysfunctional families, or runaways from those families, or children abandoned with no parental care, are still considerably increasing and are at continued risk of being the victims of sex trafficking. And COVID-19 economic recession, acting as a risk factor, is likely to increase the number of the hidden victims. The existing international treaties nowadays, regretfully, are not efficient enough to reduce the number of victims of sex trafficking in this world. Reform is in need. And it will be important that the reform as to realistic effective prevention of sex trafficking first needs to be discussed at the national level.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
먼저 저희 국제법연구센터 자체내 인권관련행사가 금요일에 있을 예정으로 이른 포스트 남겨요 그리고
현우크라이나 난민고려대의료지원팀이 우크라이나의 접경지역 폴란드로 2주간 19일에 파견되는데요
전지원팀 부디 몸과 마음 안전하고 건강한 일정 잘 마치시고 귀국하시기를 간절히 기도드립니다
주위를 진정어린 마음으로 돌아볼 줄 아시는 분들이 많아질 수 있기를 간절히 바라며 다시 한 번 감사드립니다
First Because ILRC will hold a Human Rights Internal Conf on Friday posts are now advanced and
Ukraine Refugee Korea Univ Medical Team will be dispatched to Poland in the 19th for 2 weeks
We Will Deeply Pray For Health & Safety of the Team Deeply Pray there Further be Good people
With Good Honest Heart as time pass by Again Thank You Always & Peace Be Within You
B. Research Based on Reform at the National Level
The research here will largely concentrate on reform as to prevention of sex trafficking against children and adolescents. Sex trafficking itself is no doubt one of the worst forms of human rights violations especially against minors, who are in their sensitive stage of physical and mental development that requires special care and protection. And in order to evaluate the relevant scope of reform, this article will first mainly explore the need of effective and realistic national legislations and policies on the grounds of sexual trafficking against children and adolescents by comparing relevant anti-sex trafficking laws and policies in certain countries.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
Republic of Korea (hereinafter “Korea”) is one of the countries that are involved in and committed to activities to prevent sex trafficking and heal the victims of sex trafficking. However, despite the fact that the Korean community has for quite a while regarded sex trafficking against children and adolescents as a serious issue and underscored the importance of addressing the issue, until now, the laws and policies addressing the problem have been insufficient to ensure proper transparency and accountability. Yet, recently, there has been an extraordinary transformational change. The United States (hereinafter “U.S.”) is one of the countries that regard sex trafficking seriously as well. In the U.S., regretfully, many of the victims of trafficking are undocumented immigrant women and children who are particularly vulnerable to the deceptive and coercive tactics of traffickers due to their inability to speak English, immigration status, lack of familiarity with U.S. employment protections, and their vulnerability to work in jobs that are hidden from the public view unregulated by the government. And because of these grounds, among the states in the U.S., the article will concentrate on the laws and policies relevant to sex trafficking against children and adolescents of California, where nearly one-fourth of the immigrants live. California is particularly vulnerable to sex trafficking because of its proximity to international borders, number of ports and airports, significant immigrant population, and large economy that includes industries that attract forced labor. And to tackle the hideous crime, it has been enacting its state laws since 2014. Taiwan, which has a similar background conditions for economic development of Korea, has been one of the countries where women and girls have been a victim of sex trafficking not only within its country yet other countries in Asia and other continents as well ever since there was an increasing flow of immigrant women in the 1990s. And in order to tackle the serious issue within its country, Taiwan is one of the few countries that passed an Act relevant to Children and Adolescents Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act. Lastly, Sweden is one of many European countries that are speaking up on the issue of sex trafficking against children and adolescents as well. In Sweden, a number of victims of sex trafficking, which often involves other crimes like drug trafficking, flow from other European countries, generally children and adolescents who live in poverty and were abused in their home countries. And to deal with the issue, the Swedish government has been concentrating its relevant resources primarily on sex trafficking and been making anti-sex trafficking a central principle of domestic policies.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
현우크라이나 접경지역 폴란드로 2주간 파견되었었던 난민고려대의료지원팀이
전원 무사히 일정을 잘 마치시고 귀국하셨다고 해요 도움이 절실히 필요하신 분들께 전해주신 노고 감사드립니다
주위를 진정어린 마음으로 돌아볼 줄 아시는 분들이 많아질 수 있기를 간절히 바라며
다시 한 번 감사드립니다
Ukraine Refugee Korea Univ Medical Team dispatched to Poland for 2 weeks
Is said to have arrived in Korea We Deeply Appreciate Your Wholeheartedly Felt Action for The People who are in Need
Deeply Pray there could further be Good people with Good Honest Heart as Time pass by
Again Thank You Always & Peace Be Within You
Based on the current laws and policies relevant to sex trafficking against children and adolescents of the aforementioned four countries, and grounded in qualitative research examining the feasibility of adopting a practical and effective national anti-sex trafficking legislation by cause of incessant horrendous misconducts in numerous countries, the article will dive into details comparing four broad categories as to the relevant laws and policies in the aforementioned four countries: (a) Protection of Victims (b) Investigation Method by Law Enforcement on Sex Trafficking (c) Degree of Punishment of the Perpetrators and (d) Prevention Enhancement of Sex Trafficking. And based on these four angles of comparison, the next chapter will be concentrated on how to ameliorate the current legal landscape for the rights of victims of sex-trafficking which is the very first step in preventing sex trafficking against children and adolescents as well, and how to aid in establishing further practical and effective common legal reform to ban sex trafficking in national anti-sex trafficking laws and policies.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
I. Four Angles of Comparison
First, in order to protect the children and adolescent victims of sex trafficking, it will be as a matter of course to stop the perpetrators from committing sex offenses and to support the victims in the immediate aftermath of the horrendous incident. However, where certain laws and policies of a country that has not been considering children and adolescent victims of sex trafficking as vulnerable victims and treat them as active criminals alongside with the sexual abusers, the children and adolescent victims of sex trafficking eventually will neither actively report the serious damage that was incurred upon them nor ask for legal protection, which will lead to numerous sexual assault cases where it indirectly allows the sex offenders to continue to commit sexual crimes against children and adolescents without the fear of law and punishment.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
(i) Protection of Victims
a) Republic of Korea
(a) Treatment of Children and Adolescent Victims of Sex Trafficking/Exploitation by Law
In Republic of Korea (hereinafter "Korea"), the Act on the Protection of Children and Youth Against Sexual Offenses (hereinafter "the Act”) provide for legal procedures and punishment for committing sex offenses against children and adolescents, which make it plausible to systematically manage the sex offenders and at the same time assist and give relief to the victims, and thereby protecting the victims from sexual abuse eventually helping them become rightful members in his or her community. However, until November 21st 2020, the Act has treated the children and adolescent victims of sex trafficking as "involved children or adolescents" instead of "victimized children or adolescents". Therefore, during criminal investigations, the victims of sex trafficking have been subjected to Protective Disposition under the Act where the victims were to be punished along with the perpetrators instead of being protected. And the regretful situation has been abused by the perpetrators to threaten and stop the victims from reporting the crimes, to the point where the victims had to ask the perpetrators for protection instead. As such, laws and policies that concern sex trafficking against children and adolescents in Korea have been managed to dissuade the children and adolescent victims from seeking legal protection, thereby excluding them from support services, when medical, psychological, and economic support services towards the victims were desperately in need. And in order to tackle the problematic issue, a number of anti-sex trafficking organizations have been constantly making their efforts. And fortunately, along the way, there were cases that have brought further light to the horrendous acts of crimes against children and adolescents.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
The first case that brought major attention as to seriousness of sex trafficking of children and adolescent issue was in 2014, where a high school runaway girl, was forced to engage in prostitution by several men and teenage girls. The victim was abused and beaten to death. And in order to cover up the crime, the defendants in the case impaired the face of the victim, buried her and poured cement on the buried place to destroy evidence. The incident was horrible, which shocked the nation, especially because there were teenage girls involved in the crime among the perpetrators who took part in the death of the victim. The case became the very beginning, a catalyst, of a change in how to look at sex trafficking against children and adolescents and in how to deal with and tackle the serious issue. Another case that caught attention was where a teenage girl was murdered at an inn by a sex trafficker, who had been habitually engaged in sex trafficking even before the incident happened. The case actually led the human rights organizations in Korea to higher their voices in order to alert the seriousness of sex trafficking/sex exploitation because the criminals arrested in the case have been forcing a number of runaway adolescents to engage in prostitution by continuously connecting the sex buyers along with the aid and abet of the sex trafficking macks, chat site operators, and inn owners through smartphone chat apps while they managed, and supervised the runaway adolescents. All these acts eventually proved that the death of the victim was simply not an accident, and how much the government and the community have been indifferent to the serious issue of sexual exploitation. And unfortunately, at the time, the victim of the incident was treated as "children or juveniles involved in sex trafficking". Namely, the victim was treated as a perpetrator along with the real perpetrators, instead as "victimized children or juveniles" receiving little compensation even after her death. Thus, after the incident, a joint action to prevent the recurrence of the murder of adolescent victims of sexual exploitation was coordinated along with a number of press conferences urging for countermeasures.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
(b) Process of Legal Reform as to Sex Trafficking of Children and Adolescent
The effort of executing a legal reform of the Act was first initiated by an organization called, Stand Up Against Sex-Trafficking of Minors (hereinafter “Teen-Up”), an organization in Korea fighting against human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation of the weaker, children and adolescents; preventing online child & adolescent prostitution; constructing the forward base for anti-prostitution in Asia and building global networks against sexually exploiting human trafficking since 2011. The effort of Teen-Up to pursue legal reform of the relevant Act has been made even way before the incident, however, the aforementioned incidents became the catalyst for the organization to re-realize that the halt of further delay of legal reform of the Act is indispensable. And through the incessant effort by Teen-Up along with the aid of other women rights organizations, the Partial Amendments of <Act on the Protection of Children and Youth against Sex Offenses (hereinafter “Act II”) > was eventually proposed.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
The contents of the Amendment that was proposed will be as follows :
1. The children and adolescents who were influenced to Sex Trafficking will we defined as “Victimized adolescents” instead of “Wrongdoing adolescents”, and via the Act II, there will be no investigation or punishment against them.
2. The government and the local governments have established and will operate the the “Support Center for Children and Adolescent Victims of Sex Trafficking” to protect and aid children and adolescent victims.
The main reason of the initiation as to the Partial Amendments was that even if the Act defines sex trafficking against children and adolescents as "sex crimes" and was formed not to punish children and the adolescents who have been involved in sex trafficking, it has been pointed out that in reality it is not functioning well in protecting the children and adolescent victims of sex crimes.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
The cause could be the past law, prior to November 2020, did not define victims of children and adolescents as "victimized children and adolescents", yet as "children or juveniles involved (in sex trafficking)". Namely, based on the past law, the children and adolescents who were involved in sex trafficking was sent to the Juvenile Department of the Competent Court after investigation by investigative organizations (i.e., the police and the prosecution) to receive protective dispositions. And, unfortunately, the protective dispositions imposed on the children and adolescent victims of sex trafficking is not much different from the protective disposition of juveniles who committed violent crimes such as robbery or battery, which is another reason a legal reform was desperately in need. In these aspects, the Partial Amendment of the Act could be deemed as meaningful, especially in that it was not made in a day. Teen-Up along with other women rights organizations have continued to make a lot of efforts, by holding workshops, discussion meetings, demonstration, etc., to resolve the pieces of problems that were scattered waiting to be picked up and assembled, and the proposition of the “Act II” no doubt could be said to be the realistic first step to pick up one of many scattered issues of sex trafficking to begin the war with the crime that is described as one of the worst crimes in history of mankind.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
In 2016, an unjustified judgment was ruled to further the “Act II” to be implemented. The designated court ruled that the perpetrator who committed sexual exploitation against a 12-year-old child did not infringe the rights on the child and therefore no compensation is needed to be made. And in order to fight back with the indefensible ruling, in front of the the court, Teen-Up along with the 178 organizations, through joint statement initiative, held a press conference, and filed an appeal with a group of 26 lawyers from the legal support group of Teen-Up who have been participating in each appeal trial, including this case. Additionally, while forming a unification with the organizations who participated in the joint action relevant to the case, Teen-Up continued to engage in the revision of the “Act II” by participating in relevant public relations activities such as fundraising campaigns, advertisement postings, signature collecting drive, holding various debates and meetings, etc.. However, as time passed, the “Act II” that could have made a difference started to fade away without making much difference due to the gradual indifference by the public. And regretfully the “Act II”, which was an assured proposal at the time where the whole nation was aroused by the horrendous incident, returned to its initial law without much change. Indifference once again prevailed. And because the hardship of one person cannot be felt or seen unless the hardship is actually experienced by another, only the victims continued to suffer. However, despite the issue of sex trafficking was forgotten by the many, Teen-Up, along with other unified organizations, has steadily quietly, though unseen, never stopped trying to make a difference to the lives of the children and adolescent victims of sex trafficking by continuously picking up the scattered issues one by one along the way, until 2020.
고려대학교 법학과의 기말고사 기간이 다음 주에 있을 것이기에
그 다음 주에 주간 연구 남깁니다
이점 이해해 주셔서 감사드리구요
행복 건강하고 편안 안전하신 한 주 보내세요 다시 한 번 감사드립니다
Because the final exams will begin Next week at KU Law School
Please note that we will upload the next data research the week after Next
We Thank You for your Understanding in advance
Be Safe and Peace be within You always
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
In 2020, a horrendous criminal incident involving blackmail and cybersex trafficking has happened in Korea. The case was called the “Nth Room”. The case involved two main perpetrators, including hundreds of accomplices, who ran a group chat room starting in 2018, using private information to blackmail many women and children into performing sexually violent acts on camera, creating real-life assaults into online content, with thousands of users watching. The “Nth Room” case, an unprecedented scale of sexual violence involving a great number of victims, has shocked the country because, dreadfully, many of the victims were children and adolescents. And ever since, the case has been a public concern because the crimes of these types have been regarded as common, as smartphone chatrooms are offering easy ways to spread images and videos without the perpetrators getting caught. However, in preventing these crimes, the far too lenient sentencing toward the perpetrators is no help. And the reason to the imposition of lenient sentencing is because currently there is no sentencing guidelines as to the subject of digital sex crimes in Korea. Additionally, under Korean Criminal Law, it is written relevant perpetrators are to receive up to a life sentence, yet in reality, the actual average sentencing is said to be only two years. For example, the creator of one of the notorious websites in Korea, received only 18 months in jail despite the scale of the crime was beyond horrendous. It is questionable whether the notorious sex predator can be rehabilitated properly only after 2 years of jail time, who by the way is now already released. Doubtful indeed. Thus, it is crucial to consider the reformation of penalties on digital sex crimes (i.e., new definitions and sentencing guidelines must get tougher beyond any precedents until now). However, due to the “Nth Room” incident, a number of sexual violence criminal laws in Korea has been enacted ever since.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
(c) Legal Reform in 2020
1) Act on the Protection of Children and Juveniles from Sexual Abuse (Amended 2020)
The main purpose of the Amendment to the Act is to legally define victims of children and adolescents as “victimized children and adolescents” from “children or juveniles involved (in sex trafficking)”, namely a ‘wrongdoer’; to abolish “protective dispositions” that treats the victims as criminals, and to improve and supplement certain deficiencies in the operation of the current system, especially the current support system for victims of child and adolescent victims of sexual exploitation. The contents of the amended provisions of the Act are as follows:
a. The term "victimized children or juveniles" now includes the children or juveniles victims of sexual exploitation
b. The term that regarded children or juveniles victims of sexual exploitation as “partners in offenses” is deleted
c. Disclose & Publication of criminal information of the children or juveniles victims of sexual exploitation are deleted
d. Provided that sexual offense is committed against a child or juvenile with disability, the punishment shall be aggravated
e. Excluded the statute of limitations for adultery and sexual misconduct against minors
f. Take measures such as education and counseling for children and adolescents victims of sexual exploitation
g. Enable the establishment and operation of a support center for children and juveniles victims of sexual exploitation
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
2) Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment of Sexual Crimes (Amended 2020)
The main purpose of the Amendment to the Act is to prevent damage caused by cyber sex crimes such as sexual exploitation using digital devices (i.e. camera) and protect the basic rights of the people. The contents of the amended provisions of the Act relevant to sexual exploitation are as follows:
a. Aggravated statutory sentence will be imposed to a person who, through violence or intimidation, commits an indecent act on a minor who is under age that is stipulated by law
b. Aggravated statutory sentence will be imposed to a person who, through violence or intimidation, commits an indecent act on another person with a physical or mental disabilities
c. Aggravated statutory sentence will be imposed to a person who edits, synthesizes, or processes photograph, video, or audio targeting the face, body or voice of a person for the purpose of dissemination or making profits, etc., in a form that could cause sexual desire or shame against the will of the person who is subject to
d. Aggravated statutory sentence will be imposed to a person who intimidates another person by using photograph or its duplicates which may cause sexual desire or shame, or exercise of a right of a person by intimidation
(d) Further Necessary Future Actions
As such, a certain number of organizations and relevant people in Korea have been making a lot of efforts to make a difference of the serious issue “sex trafficking/sexual exploitation”. However, it is not enough. Government-funded research and data collection programs along with the private sector (i.e., tech companies, banks) should be further initiated to understand the scope of the problem, which could aid in the improvement of systems and procedures in collecting the data related to the relevant crimes. Further legal reform will be necessary as well to improve existing laws that could identify, investigate and convict criminals who carry out sex trafficking activities with sentences that reflect the severity of the crime. Above all, collective actions will be needed in order to gradually reduce both the blame and the blameless.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
(i) Protection of Victims
a) California, United States
(a) Treatment of Children and Adolescent Victims of Sex Trafficking/Exploitation by Law
In the United States, both federal and state laws criminalize certain forms of sex trafficking/sex exploitation. Under federal laws, sexual exploitation of children is a separate crime that includes the production of child pornography. Sexual exploitation crimes include persuasion of prostitution to minors and production of child pornography, where anyone who attempts to employs, uses, persuades, induces, entices, or coerces any minor under 18 to engage in a sexual act for pictures or videos can be found guilty of sex crimes, defined under the law of “Sexual Exploitation of Children”, even if unlawful conduct occurred outside of the United States. The legal penalties for sexual exploitation under federal laws, if convicted are to be sentenced to a number of years of prison depending on several factors. Additionally, Congress has passed several important laws aimed at eradicating the problem of sex trafficking. And one of the seminal piece of federal legislations is the Trafficking Victims’ Protection Act (hereinafter “TVPA”) of 2000, which has since been reauthorized a number of times until recently.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
In California, sexual abuse of minor, namely, “Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Youth” involves physical abuse, pornography and prostitution of children and adolescents for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Under California Penal Code, “a person is guilty of sexual exploitation of a child if he or she knowingly develops, duplicates, prints, or exchanges any representation of information, data, or image, including, not limited to, any film, filmstrip, photograph, slide, photocopy, videotape, data storage media, or computer-generated equipment or image that contains or incorporates, any film or filmstrip that depicts a person under the age of 18 years engaged in an act of sexual conduct”. An adult who engages in an act of sexual intercourse with a minor will be liable for civil penalties and imprisonment. And following the passage of the aforementioned TVPA in 2000, California passed the California Trafficking Victims Protection Act, which took effect in January of 2006. The Act made human trafficking a felony, provided victim assistance, and created a civil cause of action allowing victims to recover damages from their trafficker, and established a statewide task force to research and report on the problem within the state. However, though there are laws in California that are trying to tackle the hideous crime in reality, there are unwanted barriers that are delaying the laws to be fully implemented and newly amended. Similar to Korea, in California, the victims of sex trafficking/exploitation oftentimes are not viewed as “victims of sex trafficking/exploitation”, yet a person who “voluntarily choose to be in the business of sex trafficking”. That is, the all-in-all community views the commercially sexually exploited victims as criminals along with the accused instead of, victims. And in that point of view, California did not have an adequate law that could protect the victims of sex trafficking/exploitation as a victim until 2016.
국제법 연구센터 휴가 기간이 한 달간 있을 것이기에
8월 4째주에 연구 남깁니다
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Because summer vacation will begin Soon at ILRC
Please note that we will upload the next data research the 4th week of late August
We Thank You for your Understanding in advance
Be Safe and Peace be within You always
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
안녕하세요 행복 건강하고 편안 안전하신 여름 보내셨길 바래요
이제 날씨가 조금은 선선해졌어요 다음 주 부터는 새로이 가을 학기가 시작이 되네요
이번 한 학기도 선한 믿음내에 노력내에 최선을 다하는 학기가 되시길 바랍니다
앞으로도 저희 국제법 연구센터 지속적인 관심과 성원 바라며 다시 한 번 감사드립니다
Hello Deeply Hope Your summer was a Good one and in Peace
Fall Semester will Be back in session Soon newly beginning Next Week
We Believe your semester within Good Faith Effort will Be Realistic Productive
We ask for your continued True Warm Interest of the Issues we deal with Thank You
(b) Process of Legal Reform as to Sex Trafficking/Exploitation of Children and Adolescent
California currently allows for criminalization of victims of sexual exploitation by charging them with crimes committed while being victimized. Under current law a victim can be detained in juvenile hall and prosecuted for prostitution, thus, until very recently, minors in California who were being trafficked or exploited were very often arrested and faced criminal prosecution along with the accused, based on the misconception that they chose to be in the business. However, beginning in 2014, a little change seems to have gradually begin to be made. In 2014, a certain Senate Bill, which is named a budget trailer Bill, was signed into law, which allocates millions of dollars in funding split between 1) education of the victims of sexual exploitation for county workers and foster care workers and; 2) program for the commercially sexually exploited children, which provides counties with funds for prevention, intervention and services for the victims. However, even though the Bill was directly set up to identify a clear path to the dependency court system for victims, unfortunately, these victims currently are still prosecuted through the delinquency court system when a victim is arrested for prostitution, loitering, or a similar crime as a result of his/her victimization. In 2013, in a certain case against LA Unified School District, which involved a middle school student who was sexually abused by her male teacher at a school within the LA Unified School District, the defense successfully employed a “consent” defense in the civil trial. In response to the School District successfully employing a “consent” defense against the victim, as well as the wide media attention and public outrage that followed, the California State Legislature took action and passed a certain Senate Bill into law. The Bill is defined in Civil Code section, which states, “consent shall not be a defense in any civil action [for sexual battery] if the person who commits the sexual battery is an adult who is in a position of authority over the minor.” The Bill was passed unanimously by the Assembly in response to years of the troubling inconsistencies and dangerous loopholes in California law as to consent of minors in sexual abuse cases. However, unfortunately, the Bill had limits. And until 2016, there was little guidance about when and how the decision is made as to which system will serve the victims of sexual exploitation. And the misconception that the victims of sex trafficking exists only when the victim is forced to be engaged in sex continued, while the victims of sex trafficking/exploitation continued to suffer in the dark as well. However, eventually, in order to reverse the misconception, in 2016, the effort of executing a Bill to underscore that theses minors are victims of sexual exploitation was authored.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
(c) Legal Reform in 2016
1) Relevant Law (i)
California signed into law, a certain Senate Bill, which precluded minor victims of commercial sexual exploitation from being arrested and charged with prostitution and loitering with intent. The Bill recognizes the harmful effects of arresting victims for their perpetrators' crime, including further traumatization, disconnection from the community and school, and vulnerability to violence, which is supported by recent federal and state law aimed at building capacity in the child welfare system. It amended the state Penal Code sections on prostitution to render them inapplicable to children and adolescents, meaning that law enforcement could no longer arrest children or adolescents on prostitution charges. And instead of sending these minors to the juvenile justice system, the victims of sexual exploitation are now connected to services and supports through the protocols established Commercial Sexual Exploitation Children program, which was created through another certain Senate Bill. The Bill has successfully formalized a statewide commitment to recognizing the minors of Commercial Sexual Exploitation as the victims, rather than as criminals.
2) Relevant Law (ii)
Additionally, California children who were sexually exploited have been receiving additional protections since August 17th , 2016 by allowing courts to deny reunification to parents or guardians who knowingly participated in, or permitted, the sexual exploitation. A certain Assembly Bill that was authored provided a crucial protection for children and adolescents by offering additional flexibility to child welfare agencies and juvenile court judges in deciding whether reunification services should be provided to a parent and provide additional legal protections to foster children and adolescents who have been victims of exploitation. In addition, the Bill contains protections for parents who may have been victims of abuse and were coerced into permitting, or participating in, exploitation of their children as well. The summary of the Amendment of the Assembly Bill will be as follows: “Expands the ability of a court to deny reunification services to the parent or guardian of a dependent child to include instances in which the court finds, by clear and convincing evidence, that the parent or guardian has knowingly participated in or permitted the sexual exploitation of a child, as specified.” Additionally, in July 2022, California repealed the provision criminalizing loitering with an intent to commit prostitution, which protects the victims of sexual exploitation. The new version of the law does not decriminalize soliciting or engaging in prostitution, yet eliminates the loitering offense that leads to harmful treatment of people for simply appear to be a sex worker. Police can no longer use the previous provision in state law, which allowed police to arrest those who "delay or linger without a lawful purpose" provided that it appeared they were trying to engage in sex work.
안녕하세요 행복한 보람차신 가을학기 새로이 시작하고 있으시길 바래요
다시 한 번 이번 학기에도 선한 믿음내에 최선으로 노력하는 가을학기 되시길 바래요
추석 연휴와 센터의 가을학기 맞이 준비로 9/21/2022에 이번에 주간 연구 남깁니다
안전하고 편안한 연휴 보내셔요 다시 한 번 감사드립니다
Hello Deeply Hope You are having a Newly Fruitful Fall Semester
We Believe your semester within Good Faith Effort will be Realistic Productive
Because of Chuseok Holiday and our Fall Semester Prep my data research will be uploaded in 9/21/2022
Until Then please be safe Peace Be Within You Thank You
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
(d) Further Necessary Future Action
Until now, California legislators have been making a lot of efforts to combat sex trafficking/sexual exploitation, especially of minors, during the past decade. Since 2000, a few bills were passed that increased penalties for traffickers/exploiters, protect victims of trafficking/exploitation, and direct funds towards services for victims. However, unfortunately, the bills were passed without an actual and realistic protection for the victims. In addition, a number of these laws have been placing emphasis on prosecution and sentencing traffickers/exploiters rather than on services and supports for the children and adolescent victims. Yet, aforementioned, organizations and committee members in California have been endeavoring to make a difference of the serious issue as to the treatment of the victims of sex trafficking/sexual exploitation. That is, instead of treating children and adolescents as delinquent children and criminal offenders, especially as “prostitutes”, the law now treats the children and adolescents as victims and persons who needs a protective response. As the critical first step has been taken in legislative form, a number of realistic and practical future task will be required. Government and other county agencies and community organizations must further initiate projects/programs or continue existing projects/programs that could provide effective tools that could drastically change legal and institutional approaches along with public view as to sex trafficking/sexual exploitation, and ensure the safety and recovery of every victim regardless of any race or gender. And, similar to Korea, further legal reform will be necessary as well to improve existing laws that could hold the offenders accountable (i.e., identify, investigate and convict criminals who carry out sex trafficking/sexual exploitation activities) with sentences that could reflect the severity of his or her crime.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
(i) Protection of Victims
c) Taiwan
(a) Process of Legal Reform as to Sex Trafficking/Exploitation of Children and Adolescent
In Taiwan, campaigns against the issue of sex trafficking/sexual exploitation was initiated beginning in the 1980s. The background of these initiatives was due to a large number of immigrant women mainly from East Asia have been the victims of trafficking, which includes sexual exploitation. And in order to tackle this serious issue in earnest, which was still underestimated by the many at the time, Human Trafficking Prevention Act (hereinafter “HTPA”) was eventually passed in Taiwan in 2009. Based on the HTPA anyone who is guilty of sexual exploitation shall be sentenced to imprisonment and will be fined up to millions. However, despite the HTPA, the victims of sexual exploitation in Taiwan, instead of the protection that they expected to receive from the Act such as immunity for crimes committed as a result of trafficking, the victims of sexual exploitation were transferred from shelters to government detention centers at the end of their trials, and were subsequently fined for immigration violations and deported.
안녕하세요 행복하고 보람차신 가을학기 보내고 있으시길 바래요
학회강의 준비로 인하여 11/27/2022에 다음의 주간 연구 남깁니다
이점 이해해 주셔서 감사드리구요
행복 건강하고 편안 안전하신 날들 따뜻이 보내셔요 다시 한 번 감사드립니다
Hello Deeply Hope You are having a Pleasant Fruitful Fall Semester
Because of ILRC conf lecture in Prep data research will be uploaded in 11/27/2022
We Thank You for your Understanding in advance
Until then Please be safe Peace Be Within You Thank You
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
(b) Process of Legal Reform as to Sex Trafficking/Exploitation of Children and Adolescent
Because a number of victims of sexual exploitation were fined for violations and deported at the end of the trial, no victims were able to obtain restitution or file civil suits against their traffickers, and frequently were ended up to be treated as criminals along with the perpetrators. And as the situation got repetitive and the heightened awareness substantially grew, later in 2016, the several articles of Human Trafficking Prevention Act ("HTPA") got amended and was promulgated by the presidential decree, for the purpose to assist and protect the victims of sexual exploitation.
(c) Legal Reform in 2016
(a) HTPA In Part 1
Governments of municipalities and counties shall regularly hold liaison and coordination conferences on human trafficking prevention and control; designate authorities or departments specifically to integrate the authorities, departments, and manpower related to police affairs . . human trafficking prevention and control; and coordinate the specialized operations brigades or service centers of the National Immigration Agency of the Ministry of the Interior to fulfill the functions as to safeguard of the rights, protection of human trafficking victims residing in Taiwan.
(b) HTPA In Part 2
Any human trafficking victim or suspected one, who is a minor or juvenile and fits any of the below circumstances, shall be sheltered and protected in accordance with the prioritized Statute for Prevention of Sexual Exploitation Involving Children and Adolescent :
1. Discovered to be suspected or engaged in sexual transactions;
2. Fit the circumstance deemed by a court at a trial that the victim to be engaged in sexual transactions in accordance with the statute.
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
(d) Further Necessary Future Action
As such, Taiwan government continued its efforts to increase public awareness of sex trafficking/exploitation. However, increased efforts to prosecute and convict traffickers under the anti-trafficking law based on the newly established procedures, to establish a systematic information sharing process to foster further robust interagency anti-trafficking coordination, and disaggregate case information to ensure reported trafficking cases are correctly recognized could be executed mainly with the aid of the designated specialized anti-trafficking trainers within its law enforcement and judicial sectors. And, similar to Korea, all-in-all further legal reform will be necessary as well to improve existing laws that could hold the offenders accountable, who carry out illegal and inhumane sex trafficking/exploitation activities, and sentence them to sufficiently stringent punishments.
안녕하세요 이번 주 부터 고려대학교 법학과의 기말고사 기간이 두 주간 이어질 것이기에
그리고 그 후 크리스마스와 구정 연휴가 이어질 것이기에 1월 26일에 연구 남깁니다
이점 이해해 주셔서 감사드리구요 그날까지 행복하고 따뜻이 편안하고 안전히 잘 지내구요 감사드립니다
학생분들 후배분들 기말고사 응원가득 전하며 미리 메리 크리스마스 새해 복 많이 받으세요
Because finals begin next week at KU Law School with Christmas Time & Lunar New Year Holiday
Please note the next data research will be uploaded in January 26th
We Thank You for your Appreciation Always stay Safe and Peace Be within you
Cheers To the students and juniors & in advance Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
저희 센터 이지혜 국장님의 여성인권 프로젝트 “현실적인 실용적인 국제 성매매 성착취법 제정의 유일한 길” 관련 법학 논문이 고려대 법학 전문대학원내 최초로
미국의 Notre Dame Law School의 2023 Notre Dame Journal of International Law & Comparative Law 법학 학술지에 등재예정입니다 축하드립니다
그렇기에 위 법학 논문은 등재 후 언급한 학술지내 확인하실 수 있습니다 언급한 학술지는 논문 등재 후 Home의 Bulletin Board내 남깁니다 감사드립니다
Women Rights Project Paper of Director Alicia Jie-Hye Lee about “Unique Road To Establish the Realistic Practical International Sex Trafficking Law”
was for the first time in Korea Univ Law School to be listed in 2023 Notre Dame Journal of International Law & Comparative Law of Notre Dame Law School Congratulations
Therefore above Women Rights Project Paper could be viewed through above Law Review after it is listed We will post the listed website soon in our Home Bulletin Board Thank You


Human Rights For Women
Project | Legal Procedure & Action

Title : Realistic Practical Legal Procedure To Gradually Establish
International Sex Trafficking Law & Realistic Action
Weekly Research
주제 : 국제성매매법의 단계적인 제정을 위한
현실적인 실용적인 법적 절차 및 현실적인 이행
Those who try to Take away Human Rights
will Eventually be sentenced to Lifetime Haunted Guilt
* 주간 연구 (Weekly Research) *
A. 성매매 성착취 관련 국제협약 확립 필요성
성매매 성착취는 현 세계 존재하는 최악의 범죄라 해도 과언이 아닐 만큼 심각한 범죄이다. 이는 인신매매와 강간을 비롯한 각종 강력범죄 (즉, 마약, 구타, 살인)들을 동반하고 있는 최악의 범죄들 중 하나이기 때문이다. 현재 2022년을 기준으로 하여 이 지구내 성매매 성착취의 피해자들은 대략 4 백만명을 훨씬 넘어서고 있으며 매년 증가하고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 관련 국제협약 (아래내 언급할 국제규범 참고) 조항들은 성매매 성착취라는 어구 하나만 포함 되어있을 뿐 조항들 내 성매매 성착취 존재 자체가 미비하다. 뿐만이 아니라, 성매매 성착취 방지와 관련된 제대로 된 국제협약이 없기에, 그리고 더 나아가 성매매 성착취와 관련된 통일된 개념들 조차 정의되어 있지 않기에, 성매매 성착취 관련 범죄들의 처벌 역시 제대로 행해지지 않고 있는 것이 현실이다. 이러한 안타까운 문제에 대한 해결책 마련 위해, 심각한 성매매 성착취 문제를 직접 다루는 국제 협약들이 체결될 필요가 있다. 이러한 성매매 성착취 관련 국제협약 형성 추진을 위해 저는 대한민국 성매매 성착취 단체들을 대표하는 십대여성인권센터 (TeenUp)를 주도로 세계 각 국가들을 대표하는 성매매 성착취 관련 단체들과 같이 성매매 성착취 관련 국제협약 제안서 (Convention Proposal)를 준비하고 구성해 왔다. 지금부터 천천히 그 준비 과정을 언급하며 같이 점차적인 관련 국제협약 성립을 위한 지속적인 노력을 해보고자 한다.
A. Urgent Necessity to Establish
International Conventions on relevant Sex Trafficking & Sexual Exploitation
It is no exaggeration to say sex trafficking sexual exploitation are one of the worst crimes that are to exist in our world. It is because the crimes are one of the worst crimes that accompany human trafficking, rape and other violent crimes, such as drugs, battery, murder, etc.. Currently, as of 2022, there are approximately 4 million victims of sex trafficking sexual exploitation in our entire word, and unfortunately, the number is in increase every year. Nevertheless, within the international conventions relevant to provisions of sex trafficking sexual exploitation (i.e., view relevant international conventions in the next post), they merely contain words “sex trafficking sexual exploitation” to underscore its seriousness of the current state. However, what is worse is, because there is few proper adequate international conventions relevant to realistic prevention of sex trafficking sexual exploitation, because unified concepts related to sex trafficking sexual exploitation are not adequately defined yet in international level, punishment of the defendants relevant to these crimes cannot be properly implemented. There are too many sexual predators who are currently unpunished continues to commit crimes without guilt. Therefore, it cannot be emphasized enough of special need for international conventions directly related to sex trafficking sexual exploitation to be gradually established and implemented. Thus, to promote the formation of international conventions related to sex trafficking sexual exploitation, I together with TeenUp, which is one of the renown sex trafficking sexual exploitation organizations in Korea & with representatives of other relevant renown sex trafficking sexual exploitation organizations from various countries, are in gradual preparation to formulate an International Convention proposal, which we consider must be established sooner or later before it is too late to deal with the defendants due to its increase in size and number.
Next Post Is to be posted in 2024 within further added data
after they are permitted be posted Because currently it is classified confidential
Thank You For Your generous appreciation in advance

In Progress