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Human Rights For Women


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White Feather


이 지혜   Alicia  Jie-Hye Lee

ILHRPC Previous ILRC  (2021 - present)

University of California Berkeley School of Law, Academic Researcher (2020 - present)

Stand Up Against Sex-Trafficking of Minors Teen-Up, Intl Division Director (2018 - present)

PBC & WRC, Founder (2012 - present)

이  도은  Lee Doh-Eun  

Korea University Law School, Ph.D. Candidate (2014 ~ ) 
George Washington University Law School, LL.M. (2018)
Ewha Womans University Graduate School of International Studies, MA (2013)
Yeungnam University School of Law, BA (2011)

Migration Research and Training Center (MRTC) (Associate Researcher) (2020 - present)

Korea University Graduate School Junior Research Fellow (Korea University Graduate School) (2019)

International Investment Agreements University Mapping Project Fellow (UNCTAD) (2016)

Asia Development Fellow (Asia Foundation Korea Office) (2015)

Database Center for North Korean Human Rights (NKDB) (Researcher) (2013)

Korean Social Responsibility Institute (KOSRI) (Associate Researcher) (2012)




박 윤지  Park  Yoon-Ji  

Korea University Law School, Ph.D Candidate in International Law                         

하 헌휘   Ha Heon-Hui  

Korea University Law School, J.S.D. Candidate (2020) 

Korea University Law School, J.D. (2016)

Seoul National University, LL.B. (2011)

Deputy Director, Office of Prime Minister (2020 - present)

Public Advocate, Deagu District Office of the Prosecutor (2019 - 2020) 

Public Advocate, Seoul Immigration Office (2017 - 2019) 





박 진아  Park  Jina  

Korea University Law School, Ph.D. (2012) 

The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Huma Rights and Humanitarian Law, Visiting Scholar (2019) 

Korea University Law School, LL.M. (2006)

Kunkuk University, College of Law, BA (2003)

Korea International Law Review (Director) (2017 - present)

Legal Research Institute of Korea University (Research Professor) (2018 - 2019)

Korea University, Yonsei University, Korean National Police University (KNPU), 

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Law School, 

Chungbuk National University (Lecturer) (2015 - 2019) 

ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross), The Hague Academy of International Law,

l'Institut International des Droits de l'Homme (Participant) (2005 - 2009) 

Korea Society of International Law (Director) (2021 - present) 



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White Feather

2024 International Law & Human Rights Policy Center

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